Spam Sleuth monitors your e- mail box behind the scenes and analyzes e- mail messages for spam and virus characteristics.
Spam Sleuth uses a point system to eliminate spam. Spam Sleuth's analyzers: Friends, Spammers,To, Goodwords, Badwords, Profanity, Subject, Attachments, Charsets, HTML Volume, etc. looks at an e- mail a different way and assigns points. The more points an e-mail message receives the more likely it is to be deemed as spam. The less points an e-mail message receives the more likely it is a real gem.
E-mail Stamps: You can charge senders a fee to send you e-mail. When Spam Sleuth deems an e-mail message as spam an email sent back to the sender requiring them to pay a fee via PayPal before their message will be sent through to your inbox. (That's right, you make the spammers pay you to send junk e-mail.)
Turing Test: Similar to Email stamps, except that you don
This program received 9 awards
This software was checked for viruses and was found to be clean. Click here to see antivirus report.
6.6 MB